The Final Assignment: Critical Reflection - Ewan Cheong

Critical Reflection part one: Module Learning

According to the formal introductory letter I wrote at the start of the module, my goals were simple: improve upon my public speaking skills by getting proper practice and guidance. I think it is easy to say that my goals have been met, through proper assignments like the vodcast and the final oral presentation as well as the short moments during class when I am called upon to read. Even though the sense of nervousness is still there, I can say that i'm getting better.

During the trimester, we learnt many processes and techniques for how our thinking processes should go to achieve certain ideals. Critical thinking is a vital tool, even in daily life that allows us to maximise the potential for success or at the very least help to make informed decisions and I feel that we have learnt this well, even at a subconscious level during the module. 

I feel that the aspect of giving and recieving feedback from Professor Blackstone and my classmates has also been an interesting experiance. I was taught the value of feedback as well as how to give it properly and effectively. 

Lastly, we learnt how to properly write in an academic context. This will definitely be useful in the future through university and beyond. It has been difficult to adjust to the 'proper' conventions but satisfying when completed. 

Critical Reflection part two: Project Learning

Through the project, I realized the importance of having a strong leader figure. Even though I am usually not one to take up leadership roles, the opportunity was handed to me by virtue of Professor Blackstone's choice. As much as I would like to say that I was a great leader, I know that there were many things I could have done better, such as having better planning and time management, and being more responsible overall. I cannot comment on my efficacy as that is not for me to say.

I have also learned much about group dynamics. Even though I had not spoken to my two group members Jomel and Edmond before this, I feel that we work together well as a team due to the similarity in our working styles. All three of us have a carefree attitude — sometimes to our detriment — that allows us to gel together and come to decisions quickly. 

I do not think my view on learning has changed. I still do not know what the 'correct' way to learn is. However, through this project, I have come to acknowledge some important variables that undoubtedly contribute to effective learning, such as consistancy, teamwork and responsibility. As learning is, and should be a lifelong activity, I will continue to reflect regularly so that these important things don't slip through the cracks.  


  1. Thanks very much, Ewan, for this well-focused and detailed reflection and for all your effort across the term.


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