Initial Research Pathway - Description of Obayahi Corporation's Port Plus building

Illustration of the Port Plus Building in Yokohama

- The team read SCAL and IES monthly/quarterly newsletters to seek ideas.

- The team conducted further research into sustainable materials through Google search engine.

- The team read Singapore's Five Strategic Thrusts of Sustainable Construction Master Plan.

- Gordon recalled from TikTok a sustainable building call Port Plus in Yokohama, Japan - Japan's first fully wooden building.

- The team utilised gAI (Google Bard) to explore further. Our prompt was "Features of the Port Plus building in Yokohama.". 

- Ewan checked media releases from government authorities such as BCA, HDB and EDB for news articles and journals related to sustainable building.

- The team selected a Bloomberg article on the Port Plus building through the the Obayahi Corporation's official website. [Will pure wooden skyscrapers be a game changer for decarbonization, Obayashi's challenge - Bloomberg]

- The team obtained key specifications of the Port Plus bulding through the Obayahi Corporation's website.

- The team researching google scholar for research journals and articles to be use for reader analysis.

Diverging from Gordon after the summary, 

- I wrote the thesis statement, detailing the controlling ideas as well as the counter arguement.

- I reaserched on the first controlling idea, the reduction of carbon emissions, and found data to properly compare fully wooden constructions to steel and concrete ones.

- I researched on the second controlling idea, the comparison of fully wooden sconstructions to steel and concrete ones in terms of fire and earthquake safety, and found relvevant data to back up my point.

- I researched the counterpoint, the cost comparison of fully wooden constructions to steel and concrete ones, and found some relevant reasons as to why wooden structures cost more.


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